Sungmin Moon

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Major: Chemistry 

Why Uiowa?
University of Iowa is a big school with many small communities that give me the opportunity to experience many diversities. The school also provides many research opportunities for undergraduates to engage in something other than what students learn in class

Emily Amato

Hometown: Oxford Junction, IA
Major: Chemistry

What work activity do you enjoy the most?
I enjoy using computers to visualize and analyze molecular structures, especially orbitals.  For me, the ability to see an accurate representation of the 3D structure of an individual molecule is one of the highlights of computational chemistry.

Laura Weiler

Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Major: Physics, Computer Science

Role in group:
Undergraduate Researcher

Why UIowa?
The University of Iowa has a rich history of research and support for undergraduate engagement. 

Why this group?
It’s exciting to be a part of a group which is conducting cutting edge research while also remaining interested in education and engagement.

Bingdi Yang

Hometown: Heze, Shandong, China
Major: Computer Science and Engineering BSE 

Why this group? 
I found it that the idea of using python to solve chemistry equations is very cool and is a brand new exploration for me as well! 

Samantha Country

Hometown: Naperville, IL
Major: Chemical Engineering BSE 

Why this group? 
Our group is unique because we are constantly doing what we can to challenge ourselves and help each other to improve academically.  

What makes you passionate about your work?
I am driven to contribute to this group because I encounter many challenges that help me to think in different ways than I am used to. 

Tina Mihm

Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL
Degree: BA Chemistry (2017), Carthage College, WI

What is your project? 
Modeling and performing calculations on Jellium system 

What makes you passionate about your work?
Learning anything new about chemistry 

What do you enjoy most about your work?
Programing with groupmates


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