Undergrad Researcher, Summer 2019-Summer 2022
Person Type: 

Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Major: Physics, Computer Science

Role in group:
Undergraduate Researcher

Why UIowa?
The University of Iowa has a rich history of research and support for undergraduate engagement. 

Why this group?
It’s exciting to be a part of a group which is conducting cutting edge research while also remaining interested in education and engagement.

What makes you passionate about your work?
Thinking about the contribution current and future computational methods will make to the sciences. 

What work activity do you enjoy the most?
Everything programming related! 

What is your project?
I'm assisting in the application of machine learning algorithms to the study of electron correlation energy. 

Why is it interesting?
More accurate electron correlation energy calculations help bridge the gap between exact and approximate energies, which in turn means a better understanding of physical properties.