Jenna Ringwald

Hometown: Ankeny, Iowa
Major: Chemistry Major

Role in Group:
Undergraduate Researcher

Why this group?
I like that this group gives me the opportunity to learn new skills that I can take with me through the rest of my studies in chemistry!

Songhang Man

Hometown: Guangzhou, China
Degree: High School Student

Why this group? 
This group is welcoming and kind to me. I love to be in a group where people collaborate in one project, and everybody bears a responsibility to the group. I like this kind of groupwork and the relationship built on top of the groupwork.

Taylor DeMello

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Major: Neuroscience, Mathematics with Chemistry, Biology minors

Role in group:
Undergraduate Researcher

Why UIowa:
Being an R1 institution and also not being located in the Southwestern United States was a very big draw to choose UIowa over other research-intensive schools, as I have a high level of interest in pursuing STEM-type research and family nearby.

Kristin Boyler

Hometown: Bettendorf, IA
Major: Mechanical Engineering, minor in Math

Role in group: Undergraduate Researcher

Why UIowa?
Iowa offers numerous opportunities to explore all my interests as well as a diverse student body of people willing to challenge each other academically. 

Lucy Siwicki

Hometown: Naperville, IL
Major: Biology, pre-med track, minor in Spanish

Role in Group: undergrad research assistant, currently Emily is mentoring me and getting me started with beginners' projects.

Why UIowa?
Iowa has a great health care program and chemistry/biology departments so I knew this would be a good place for me to go.

Joe Chapski

Hometown: Glen Ellyn, IL
Major: Computer Science and Engineering

What makes you passionate about your work?
I love that my work is used to make other people's live easier. The better I am at my job the more productive others can be in their roles and that drives me to do the best that I can.

Collin Sindt

Hometown: Dubuque, IA
Major: Chemical Engineering with a minor in French

Why UIowa?
The collaborative environment that permeates the university coupled with the extensive research activity made Iowa the right choice for me. It’s a place where I fit in, can grow as a student and a person, and contribute to things I am passionate about.

Lauren Andrews

Hometown: Round Lake Heights, IL
Major: Chemistry

Why Uiowa?
The atmosphere on campus is very welcoming, and there are a lot of opportunities for undergraduates to gain experience in their field through research and volunteer projects. 

Gabe Armas

Hometown: Riverside, CA
Major: Chemistry

What work activity do you enjoy most?
I personally enjoy talking with others about the problems that are occuring in our work and helping each other work it out. 


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