Graduate Student (since 2019)
Person Type: 

Hometown: Stillwater, MN
Degree: BS in ACS Biochemistry (2019), Winona State University

Why UIowa?
There is a great community here with great opportunities as well. 

Role in Group:
Current Group member

Why this group?
This group has a lot of collaborations with other groups in and out of the department. This allows for more connections to be made and to learn about many different areas. 

What makes you passionate about your work?
Being able to model various chemical systems to help explain what may go on in wet lab experiments. 

What work activity do you enjoy the most?
Working with chemical models and being able to visualize what they may look like. 

How do you intend to make use of your PhD in the future?
Working in industry. 

What is your project?
Modeling metal complexes with various group 1 metals.

Why is it interesting?
With determining the geometries of the complexes we may be able to determine how they bind to CO2.